Monday, April 26, 2010


Hey everybody!!

Ok, so since my last post, I have lost 5 pounds! Now, that may not seem like much to some people, but to me it is HUGE! I weigh in again tomorrow, so I will be back with another update then! Love you...MUAH!


Friday, April 2, 2010

What I Need From You Is Understanding

Dear VickeeMO,
I have a question for you. Do you think that by publicly humiliating me and calling me an elephant is the right way to go about letting me know that I need to lose weight? I don't think so. For the last decade it seems all I've ever heard from you was "You need to slim down." "Lose weight" "You're spreading like wildfire" and things of that nature. What 8 yr old do you know who wants to hear that? 10 yr old? How about 16 yr old? No person ever wants to hear that, irregardless of age or size.
Seems like I could never please you, no matter what I did. I made perfect grades, but I was still fat. I was the youth everyone respected at church, but to you, smarts and personality were the only things I had going for me because nobody wants to hang around or date a fat girl. You've called me unattractive, you've said that no man would want me, always say that I was so pretty/cute/beautiful when I was younger and much thinner. What does telling me "I wish that pretty girl would come back" or "What happened to that thin child I knew?" accomplish? I'll tell you what it accomplishes: KILLING ME INSIDE. It's because of you that I lack confidence in the way I look everytime I step out of my room. Aren't mothers supposed to support their children? Help them, nurture them, and guide them? NO, you HINDER, MALNOURISH, and FORCE. For so many years, I have been so self-conscious because everytime you look at me, this look of disgust comes over your face, telling me and anyone who can see just what you think of me. You ever wonder why and how I gain weight? No. Ever thought of talking to me, in a normal conversation, about how I can lose it? Nope.

VickeeMO, what I need from you is understanding.
