Hey everybody!!
Ok, so since my last post, I have lost 5 pounds! Now, that may not seem like much to some people, but to me it is HUGE! I weigh in again tomorrow, so I will be back with another update then! Love you...MUAH!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
What I Need From You Is Understanding
Dear VickeeMO,
I have a question for you. Do you think that by publicly humiliating me and calling me an elephant is the right way to go about letting me know that I need to lose weight? I don't think so. For the last decade it seems all I've ever heard from you was "You need to slim down." "Lose weight" "You're spreading like wildfire" and things of that nature. What 8 yr old do you know who wants to hear that? 10 yr old? How about 16 yr old? No person ever wants to hear that, irregardless of age or size.
Seems like I could never please you, no matter what I did. I made perfect grades, but I was still fat. I was the youth everyone respected at church, but to you, smarts and personality were the only things I had going for me because nobody wants to hang around or date a fat girl. You've called me unattractive, you've said that no man would want me, always say that I was so pretty/cute/beautiful when I was younger and much thinner. What does telling me "I wish that pretty girl would come back" or "What happened to that thin child I knew?" accomplish? I'll tell you what it accomplishes: KILLING ME INSIDE. It's because of you that I lack confidence in the way I look everytime I step out of my room. Aren't mothers supposed to support their children? Help them, nurture them, and guide them? NO, you HINDER, MALNOURISH, and FORCE. For so many years, I have been so self-conscious because everytime you look at me, this look of disgust comes over your face, telling me and anyone who can see just what you think of me. You ever wonder why and how I gain weight? No. Ever thought of talking to me, in a normal conversation, about how I can lose it? Nope.
VickeeMO, what I need from you is understanding.
I have a question for you. Do you think that by publicly humiliating me and calling me an elephant is the right way to go about letting me know that I need to lose weight? I don't think so. For the last decade it seems all I've ever heard from you was "You need to slim down." "Lose weight" "You're spreading like wildfire" and things of that nature. What 8 yr old do you know who wants to hear that? 10 yr old? How about 16 yr old? No person ever wants to hear that, irregardless of age or size.
Seems like I could never please you, no matter what I did. I made perfect grades, but I was still fat. I was the youth everyone respected at church, but to you, smarts and personality were the only things I had going for me because nobody wants to hang around or date a fat girl. You've called me unattractive, you've said that no man would want me, always say that I was so pretty/cute/beautiful when I was younger and much thinner. What does telling me "I wish that pretty girl would come back" or "What happened to that thin child I knew?" accomplish? I'll tell you what it accomplishes: KILLING ME INSIDE. It's because of you that I lack confidence in the way I look everytime I step out of my room. Aren't mothers supposed to support their children? Help them, nurture them, and guide them? NO, you HINDER, MALNOURISH, and FORCE. For so many years, I have been so self-conscious because everytime you look at me, this look of disgust comes over your face, telling me and anyone who can see just what you think of me. You ever wonder why and how I gain weight? No. Ever thought of talking to me, in a normal conversation, about how I can lose it? Nope.
VickeeMO, what I need from you is understanding.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Shopaholic...or Super Savvy Shopper??
Well Hello There!! [Wendy Williams voice] How you doin? :D
LOL, ok so I consider myself a true, expert bargain shopper. Let me explain why I say this. I subscribe to coupon emailing lists for stores I like to shop at, I am a member of sale alert websites, I don't mind looking through every single clearance rack at a store, and I know how to manipulate the seasonal fashion cycle to get the best deal possible on clothes and shoes that I want. My friends have this theory that I am a shopaholic, but I do not consider myself one, because I do not buy what I cannot afford, shopping does not "trump" everything else in my life, I do not use money that is designated to important things like books, health, bills, and groceries in order to finance my shopping habit. I just know how to get the BIGGEST BANG for each and EVERY BUCK I choose to spend on clothing, shoes, and accesories.
How do I do this? Here are some tips/techniques I have on
1. Shopping sta
rts at home. You can begin this process in the comfort of your sweatpants and oversized t-shirt. I am on so many stores' mailing lists. I get emails everyday about sales, sometimes with coupons. On the home webpage of stores that I like to shop in, there is usually a link for a weekly ad/promotion(Target, Walmart-DON'T SLEEP ON WALLY WORLD), or just browse the website and find sales on the website(Charlotte Russe, Rue21, Forever21, Express, NY&Company, Rack Room Shoes, Payless). This helps you know where to go in order to find what you want at an amazingly good price without having to go from store to store with the possibility of disappointment. Personally, it is very discouraging when I go from store to store and don't find what I want anywhere. If you start your shopping journey at home, on the web, where you can comfortably browse, you will appreciate it. It saves gas and time, and when gas is $3/gallon, who wouldnt want to??
2. ONLINE ONLY DEALS! I cannot count how many times I have found un-promoted sales online when I was just casually searching! Online, stores may display items that might be limited supply or have been pulled from stores at a very low price!! I get so excited when I see these! They tend to go quickly, especially if it is an extremely cute piece. Now, if you aren't comfortable with shopping online because of sizing and fit, then you may need to shop only on store sites that you feel comfortable/familiar with. I usually check my favorite store sites a couple times a week, just to see what is on sale, and I might find some, I may not. CHECK ANYWAY! It never hurts to look!
3. The single biggest mistake I see people make when it comes to in-store shopping is getting stuck at the front of the store. Think about the front of any select mall store. Col
orful, new, sometimes expensive items are placed strategically at the entrance of a store in order to draw potential customers into the store. The dressed mannequins, the cute shoe displays, or just a HUGE SIGN ON THE WINDOW can capture and keep a person's interest. What do I do? I walk right past those pretty displays and straight towards the back of the store, which is where the sale/clearance racks usually are. These racks are usually stuffed with clothing as shoes just as cute as the clothing showcased in the front of the store. It will be hard at first. Because I am an experienced bargain shopper, I have developed a certain "callous" to the marketing strategies of retail stores. Go to the back of the store! You will find TREASURES! Now, I will warn you...YOU MUST LOOK THROUGH THE RACKS! The sales will not just reveal themselves to you! This search requires patience and determination. You can do it! I believe in you! LOL
4. COUPONS-COUPONS-COUPONS, PROMOTION CODES-PROMOTION CODES-PROMOTION CODES!! I cannot stress the aforementioned enough! Some people have abandoned using coupons because they do not know where to find them and don't feel like looking for them. Trust me, looking for them online, in newspapers, ANYWHERE...it will be worth it! Take, for example, a pair of jeans I bought online. Not only did the store email me a subscriber-only promo code, but i googled coupon/promo codes for the store and found one for an EXTRA 15% off! See what a bit of searching can do? ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT! :D
Everybody cannot follow all or any of these tips. Everyone cannot be a bargain shopper. And you know what...THAT IS OK! If you don't have the patience or the time to do all that I do, then find WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! That's all that matters...YOU! Well these are the tips that I can think of right now, but if I think of any more I'll be sure to do another post on it!
~NaturalNubia :D <3
LOL, ok so I consider myself a true, expert bargain shopper. Let me explain why I say this. I subscribe to coupon emailing lists for stores I like to shop at, I am a member of sale alert websites, I don't mind looking through every single clearance rack at a store, and I know how to manipulate the seasonal fashion cycle to get the best deal possible on clothes and shoes that I want. My friends have this theory that I am a shopaholic, but I do not consider myself one, because I do not buy what I cannot afford, shopping does not "trump" everything else in my life, I do not use money that is designated to important things like books, health, bills, and groceries in order to finance my shopping habit. I just know how to get the BIGGEST BANG for each and EVERY BUCK I choose to spend on clothing, shoes, and accesories.
How do I do this? Here are some tips/techniques I have on
1. Shopping sta

2. ONLINE ONLY DEALS! I cannot count how many times I have found un-promoted sales online when I was just casually searching! Online, stores may display items that might be limited supply or have been pulled from stores at a very low price!! I get so excited when I see these! They tend to go quickly, especially if it is an extremely cute piece. Now, if you aren't comfortable with shopping online because of sizing and fit, then you may need to shop only on store sites that you feel comfortable/familiar with. I usually check my favorite store sites a couple times a week, just to see what is on sale, and I might find some, I may not. CHECK ANYWAY! It never hurts to look!
3. The single biggest mistake I see people make when it comes to in-store shopping is getting stuck at the front of the store. Think about the front of any select mall store. Col

4. COUPONS-COUPONS-COUPONS, PROMOTION CODES-PROMOTION CODES-PROMOTION CODES!! I cannot stress the aforementioned enough! Some people have abandoned using coupons because they do not know where to find them and don't feel like looking for them. Trust me, looking for them online, in newspapers, ANYWHERE...it will be worth it! Take, for example, a pair of jeans I bought online. Not only did the store email me a subscriber-only promo code, but i googled coupon/promo codes for the store and found one for an EXTRA 15% off! See what a bit of searching can do? ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT! :D
Everybody cannot follow all or any of these tips. Everyone cannot be a bargain shopper. And you know what...THAT IS OK! If you don't have the patience or the time to do all that I do, then find WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! That's all that matters...YOU! Well these are the tips that I can think of right now, but if I think of any more I'll be sure to do another post on it!
~NaturalNubia :D <3
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Things Are Looking Up... I Think?
In January of this year, I told myself that I wanted to be down about 40-50 lbs by the end of the semester(May). I did all the math and all the planning, too. Knowing that i had about 17 weeks to accomplish this goal, i told
myself that I needed to lose about 2-3 lbs per week. Needless to say, this hasn't happened. I got off track with my eating and workout plan, and before I knew it, I had gained back what I lost and more. It seems as though I was looking too far ahead and not being realistic with myself. The weight goals set made me feel like a failure when I slipped up, and I slipped up 1 too many times. I've tried buying clothes too small on purpose in order to motvate myself to get down small enough to fit into it. Even being accountable to others didn't work. I find myself trying to avoid conversation about weight and food because I don't want to discuss my weight loss(or lack there of). It is slightly depressing because I know that it is possible to lose the weight, I just feel like I don't have the will to do the work and endure the sacrifice that comes along with the process.

Lately, I have increasingly become envious of my friends because they have tiny
waists, toned arms, are able to wear shorts and skirts comfortably...while I do not/am not. It isn't anybody's fault but mine that I am unable to have bodies like theirs and wear clothes and enjoy food like they do. I'm not ignorant enough to say something like "I'm supposed to be like this, some people's bodies are just different,". I know that when I got to college, I gained the freshman 15-20 because I was in awe of the availability food whenever I felt like stuffing my face. Food court open all the time, a student store filled with junk food, soft drinks and sweets at my disposal...I was in HEAVEN! All the things that I wasn't allowed or able to eat at home...I could have as much as I like...and nobody could tell me otherwise!

Now, before I got to college, I was never a small girl. Seems like I've always had a problem with my weight. I always felt like the chubby kid...or the "ugly fat friend" in a group of girls in high school. I would have ups and downs with weight loss and gain. Most of the time the ups and downs were unintentional, brought on by stress, change of the seasons, start of an athletic season, etc. I don't really have those things to help me maintain my weight now. But...things might be looking up...MAYBE.
Every Tuesday for the last 5 weeks, I've attended a voluntary nutrition/diet class. I have lost about 6lbs since the start of the class and I truly am happy about that, because 6 is better than nothing...right? Now I know that part of the reason there isn't more loss is the fact that my workout routine is SEVERELY LACKING. In the last 3 weeks, I have worked out an average of 1 day a week. I read something online about setting small, reachable goals instead of long, broad weight loss goals. Maybe I should try that! The nutrition/diet class only has two more meetings left, so for the next 2 weeks I will set a goal of a 1-2 lb loss by each Tuesday class. That way, I will have the joy of seeing lower numbers on the scale at the meeting AND lose at a healthy, maintainable rate. Yea, I like that! Sounds like a plan! :D
My weight loss journey continues...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Behind These Chocolate Eyes: An Original Piece

I wrote this piece TWO years ago, and I just felt like revisiting it because I'm feeling this way again. This is me, what comes naturally...ENJOY!
Reality is crashing down on me,
Womanhood is born as childhood dies
Are you sure of what you see
Behind these chocolate eyes?
Mental, emotional, and psychological innocence snatched away
My response and reaction a cannot disguise
A world of uncertainty, confusion hidden
Behind these chocolate eyes
Why do I feel as though I'm being attacked?
Where did the assumption come that I like to tell lies?
The truth I speak is all you need to know about what is
Behind these chocolate eyes
Fulfillment and joy are always temporary
Sort of like a "get-rich-quick" enterprise
Gone in 60 seconds from
Behind these chocolate eyes
Waking up to see each priceless new day
I do believe it's wise to watch the sun rise
Because that's what I wish you could see
Behind these chocolate eyes
Tears of emotion threaten to overflow
For hope and inspiration I look to the skies
I know some will try and investigate
Behind these chocolate eyes
Loved ones always "come and go"
Who loves to say goodbye
For security, my thoughts stay
Behind these chocolate eyes
I wear this creative little mask, you see
Unveiling it might be my demise
Until I feel comfortable, the secrets stay
Behind these chocolate eyes
Confidentiality is a precious value
Like a shrink, it’s your job to analyze
But please don’t be shocked if I guard what is
Behind these chocolate eyes
Am I an invisible person who nobody chooses to see?
Is my importance that minimum a size?
I know I’m not the one with the biggest conceit
Behind these chocolate eyes
I feel as though I’m a stumbling block to you
For every incident, another random alibi
No more fabricated excuses for, there is a brain
Behind these chocolate eyes
Rejection hurts like a sizzling burn
Being block from the coveted grand prize
If only I could get all I yearn for
Behind these chocolate eyes
In all things considered
Why my values and standards I must compromise,
The weakness you see fails to be
Behind these chocolate eyes
My eyes are open now
The tears have long been dry
Strength and confidence only remain
Behind these chocolate eyes
Others will begin to notice
Soon enough I surmise
The new ways and being
Behind these chocolate eyes
Characters seem to be synthetic
For this, with you I sympathize
It’s about that time for you to delve deep
Behind your own eyes.
Reality is crashing down on me,
Womanhood is born as childhood dies
Are you sure of what you see
Behind these chocolate eyes?
Mental, emotional, and psychological innocence snatched away
My response and reaction a cannot disguise
A world of uncertainty, confusion hidden
Behind these chocolate eyes
Why do I feel as though I'm being attacked?
Where did the assumption come that I like to tell lies?
The truth I speak is all you need to know about what is
Behind these chocolate eyes
Fulfillment and joy are always temporary
Sort of like a "get-rich-quick" enterprise
Gone in 60 seconds from
Behind these chocolate eyes
Waking up to see each priceless new day
I do believe it's wise to watch the sun rise
Because that's what I wish you could see
Behind these chocolate eyes
Tears of emotion threaten to overflow
For hope and inspiration I look to the skies
I know some will try and investigate
Behind these chocolate eyes
Loved ones always "come and go"
Who loves to say goodbye
For security, my thoughts stay
Behind these chocolate eyes
I wear this creative little mask, you see
Unveiling it might be my demise
Until I feel comfortable, the secrets stay
Behind these chocolate eyes
Confidentiality is a precious value
Like a shrink, it’s your job to analyze
But please don’t be shocked if I guard what is
Behind these chocolate eyes
Am I an invisible person who nobody chooses to see?
Is my importance that minimum a size?
I know I’m not the one with the biggest conceit
Behind these chocolate eyes
I feel as though I’m a stumbling block to you
For every incident, another random alibi
No more fabricated excuses for, there is a brain
Behind these chocolate eyes
Rejection hurts like a sizzling burn
Being block from the coveted grand prize
If only I could get all I yearn for
Behind these chocolate eyes
In all things considered
Why my values and standards I must compromise,
The weakness you see fails to be
Behind these chocolate eyes
My eyes are open now
The tears have long been dry
Strength and confidence only remain
Behind these chocolate eyes
Others will begin to notice
Soon enough I surmise
The new ways and being
Behind these chocolate eyes
Characters seem to be synthetic
For this, with you I sympathize
It’s about that time for you to delve deep
Behind your own eyes.
[SN: The beautiful little girl in the photo is not of any relation to me, I just found the picture on Google. Isn't she adorable, though? :D]
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I'm on YouTube!
Hey Everybody!
I just wanted to check in and bring a new update! I am on YouTube! I make videos about my hair(which is pretty naturally :D) and my struggle to lose weight. So you guys should go and check it out! This is the url to my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/naturalnubia?feature=mhw4 so make sure you check it out! I'm really excited about all these avenues that I am using to express myself. Also, I will be talking about hair, fashion, makeup, school, music, ANYTHING that COMES NATURALLY!
I just wanted to check in and bring a new update! I am on YouTube! I make videos about my hair(which is pretty naturally :D) and my struggle to lose weight. So you guys should go and check it out! This is the url to my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/naturalnubia?feature=mhw4 so make sure you check it out! I'm really excited about all these avenues that I am using to express myself. Also, I will be talking about hair, fashion, makeup, school, music, ANYTHING that COMES NATURALLY!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Seasons Have Changed...Where Does That Leave ME?
Today, March 20, is the first day of spring. It's a beautiful day outside and the weather is great. What does that mean? Time to bring out the tank tops, the short shorts, laying out by the pool in skimpy swimwear, and wearing as little as possible, right? Sounds wonderful doesn't it? WRONG. I'm absolutely terrified! My body, which I am working on changing, is not something I would want to see at the beach or the pool...or even just wearing short shorts period.
Now don't get me wrong, I think that females that have the bodies and confidence to walk outside in those fashions are wonderful, and BELIEVE ME, I wish I could too, but its a serious blow to my confidence and ego because I cannot. I am currently on a long, tedious, and difficult journey to lose about 50lbs, and if I could just wave a wand or make a wish and my body would just miraculously downsize by about 7 dress sizes...I'd be ECSTATIC! But that isn't going to happen.
So I'll ask the question again, where does that leave me?
[By the way...this is the start of posts about my weight loss(or lack there of)...]
Now don't get me wrong, I think that females that have the bodies and confidence to walk outside in those fashions are wonderful, and BELIEVE ME, I wish I could too, but its a serious blow to my confidence and ego because I cannot. I am currently on a long, tedious, and difficult journey to lose about 50lbs, and if I could just wave a wand or make a wish and my body would just miraculously downsize by about 7 dress sizes...I'd be ECSTATIC! But that isn't going to happen.
So I'll ask the question again, where does that leave me?
[By the way...this is the start of posts about my weight loss(or lack there of)...]
Welcome to ItComesPrettyNaturally!
NaturalNubia here...checking in! This is my very first blog, and I've created it for one simple purpose: to say what I want and to share it with the world. I'm very excited about being able to share my thoughts, life, goals, among other things with people. Get ready for the ride, people, because what I say, write, think, or do...just like my hair, COMES PRETTY NATURALLY! :D <3
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