Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things Are Looking Up... I Think?

In January of this year, I told myself that I wanted to be down about 40-50 lbs by the end of the semester(May). I did all the math and all the planning, too. Knowing that i had about 17 weeks to accomplish this goal, i told myself that I needed to lose about 2-3 lbs per week. Needless to say, this hasn't happened. I got off track with my eating and workout plan, and before I knew it, I had gained back what I lost and more. It seems as though I was looking too far ahead and not being realistic with myself. The weight goals set made me feel like a failure when I slipped up, and I slipped up 1 too many times. I've tried buying clothes too small on purpose in order to motvate myself to get down small enough to fit into it. Even being accountable to others didn't work. I find myself trying to avoid conversation about weight and food because I don't want to discuss my weight loss(or lack there of). It is slightly depressing because I know that it is possible to lose the weight, I just feel like I don't have the will to do the work and endure the sacrifice that comes along with the process.

Lately, I have increasingly become envious of my friends because they have tiny waists, toned arms, are able to wear shorts and skirts comfortably...while I do not/am not. It isn't anybody's fault but mine that I am unable to have bodies like theirs and wear clothes and enjoy food like they do. I'm not ignorant enough to say something like "I'm supposed to be like this, some people's bodies are just different,". I know that when I got to college, I gained the freshman 15-20 because I was in awe of the availability food whenever I felt like stuffing my face. Food court open all the time, a student store filled with junk food, soft drinks and sweets at my disposal...I was in HEAVEN! All the things that I wasn't allowed or able to eat at home...I could have as much as I like...and nobody could tell me otherwise!

Now, before I got to college, I was never a small girl. Seems like I've always had a problem with my weight. I always felt like the chubby kid...or the "ugly fat friend" in a group of girls in high school. I would have ups and downs with weight loss and gain. Most of the time the ups and downs were unintentional, brought on by stress, change of the seasons, start of an athletic season, etc. I don't really have those things to help me maintain my weight now. But...things might be looking up...MAYBE.

Every Tuesday for the last 5 weeks, I've attended a voluntary nutrition/diet class. I have lost about 6lbs since the start of the class and I truly am happy about that, because 6 is better than nothing...right? Now I know that part of the reason there isn't more loss is the fact that my workout routine is SEVERELY LACKING. In the last 3 weeks, I have worked out an average of 1 day a week. I read something online about setting small, reachable goals instead of long, broad weight loss goals. Maybe I should try that! The nutrition/diet class only has two more meetings left, so for the next 2 weeks I will set a goal of a 1-2 lb loss by each Tuesday class. That way, I will have the joy of seeing lower numbers on the scale at the meeting AND lose at a healthy, maintainable rate. Yea, I like that! Sounds like a plan! :D
My weight loss journey continues...

1 comment:

  1. Hi NaturalNubia:

    I've been doing the sugar-free thing for about a month now and I found that, once I got over the initial difficult period of sugar withdrawal, not having "the will to do the work" was not even an issue. You may want to give it a try.
